Voice and Electronics » Consume
FRESH SOUND in partnership with UCSD
Price Center East, 4th Floor
9500 Gilman Drive MC 0077
La Jolla, CA 92093-0077
$15.00 / $10.00 students
7:30PM - Google Map - UCSD Walking Map to The Loft
Tristan Shone, musician/live electronics/composer (San Diego)
Clint McCallum, voice/actor (San Diego)
David Medine (live sound and electronics)
Jason Ponce (live video processing)
Rick Snow (creator and orchestration)
Consume places two performers side by side in constant dialogue: one, an actor and vocalist with live video and audio processing who is projected as a large, almost superhuman being; the other, a musician, performing voice and live electronics on custom high tech devices. At its most basic level, Consume exists as a meditation on (among other things) the roll of technology in our lives, musical and theatrical experimentation, visual and sonic suggestion, and the idea of the audience as a consumer. The performance is as sonically and visually beautiful as it is completely overwhelming, pushing the limits of what one can consume in one sitting as an audience